Join us
With this membership, you participate not only financially, but also morally by growing the association and increasing its visibility. The larger our association, the easier it will be to respond to calls for projects and grant applications..
Sponsor a child
The families of the children of Sarobidy are very poor and live in great precariousness. School sponsorship consists of financing a student's studies until obtaining a diploma (BEPC, BAC) or learning a trade in vocational training.
Support the Sarobidy Center
The families of the children of Sarobidy are very poor and live in great precariousness. The midday meal served in the canteen is often the only meal of the day taken by the children.
Informations fiscalité
Le don à l'association LES AMIS DE SAROBIDY ouvre droit à une réduction fiscale car il remplit les conditions générales prévues aux articles 200 et 238 bis du code général des impôts.